3rd Kyu…(Brown Belt) | 16th May 2018 | Sonny Sisterson | ||||||
KIHON WAZA | Score: | KATA | Score: | KUMITE | Score: | |||
Tachi | 9 | Timing/rhythm | 10 | Application of technique | 10 | |||
Tsuki | 9 | Application of power | 9 | Distance | 9 | |||
Uke | 9 | Technique &Transitions | 9 | Movement and footwork | 9 | |||
keri | 9 | Attitude | 9 | Attitude | 9 | |||
Total | 36 | Total | 37 | Total | 37 | |||
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS | Score: | 144 | ||||||
Self Defence | 9 | |||||||
Padwork / Sheild work | 9 | |||||||
Bunkai explanation | 8 | |||||||
Bunkai execution | 8 | |||||||
Total | 34 |
NOTES: A lovely grading .A very good display of your tekki kata, Your basics are very good and you are doing some really good kicks
The next grading think more about bunkai because you now will have to explain 2 or 3 pieces of bunkai from your next kata.
Your attitude is great when preforming techniques but be careful not to lose control of you stance ect when trying to hard.
You are now a Brown belt which is a really big responcability so its time to be serious train hard and know when to have fun.
Well Done Son the belts just got a whole lot darker.
2nd Kyu…(Brown and White Belt) | 17th August 2018 | Sonny Sisterson | ||||||
KIHON WAZA | Score: | KATA | Score: | KUMITE | Score: | |||
Tachi | 9 | Timing/rhythm | 8 | Application of technique | 8 | |||
Tsuki | 9 | Application of power | 9 | Distance | 8 | |||
Uke | 9 | Technique &Transitions | 8 | Movement and footwork | 7 | |||
keri | 8 | Attitude | 9 | Attitude | 8 | |||
Total | 35 | Total | 34 | Total | 31 | |||
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS | Score: | 134 | ||||||
Self Defence | 9 | |||||||
Padwork / Sheild work | 9 | |||||||
Bunkai explanation | 8 | |||||||
Bunkai execution | 8 | |||||||
Total | 34 |
NOTES: Fantastic grading Sonny keep looking up though.
Try and relax your shoulders when kicking (it will stop you nodding )
really good attitude mate :)
kata looked really good but remember ...No extra body movement
1st Kyu / Brown and 2 White Stripes | 5th Dec 2018 | Sonny Sisterson | ||||||
KIHON WAZA | Score: | KATA | Score: | KUMITE | Score: | |||
Tachi | 9 | Timing/rhythm | 8 | Application of technique | 9 | |||
Tsuki | 9 | Application of power | 9 | Distance | 8 | |||
Uke | 9 | Technique &Transitions | 8 | Movement and footwork | 9 | |||
keri | 7 | Attitude | 9 | Attitude | 9 | |||
Total | 34 | Total | 34 | Total | 35 | |||
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS | Score: | 139 | ||||||
Self Defence | 9 | |||||||
Padwork / Sheild work | 9 | |||||||
Bunkai explanation | 9 | |||||||
Bunkai execution | 9 | |||||||
Total | 36 |
We need to work on the way your kick returns back toward your body its hooking or curling a bit. Make sure your knees are
In front of your body on the Godan jump when re-visiting your Heians. Your Ushero geri needs lots of work. Don’t worry too
much though because we will work on it. A nice Enpi kata. Your Bassai Dai I have seen you do much better but I believe it
was the stress of the grading making you over exaggerate your karate techniques ...a good grading though Well Done Sonny
Very Well Done Sonny on getting your 1st Dan. Make sure you continue to train hard and look through all the feed back the panel have left for you. its really important to get even better and progress onward and upward.